What Is Good Branding?

Positioning is like finding a seat on a crowded bus. Most brands sleepwalk onto the bus and sit on top of one another. The smart brands look left, right, find an empty row, paint their logo on it and start singing sweetly like the Sirens.

Positioning is an easy thing to complicate so let's keep it simple. Your goal is to own a space in the customer's mind. You do this by differentiating yourself. Differentiation is not a dark art. It's something you can learn. Here's how you can achieve it.

Identify your target audience. Who are they? What do they want? What are their pain points? What are their aspirations? What are their values?

Point at the status quo and pit yourself against it. Contrast burns your brand into the customer's mind. The “I'm a Mac” ads pit themselves against the PC

Think Patagonia and the environment, Ben and Jerry's and social justice, Black Rifle Coffee and gun rights. Some will hate it. Others will rally behind you. And that's the point. Fence sitters don't buy.

Turn yourself into the product and no one can compete with you. Think Kanye's shoes. Think Oprah's book club. Think Elon Musk's tweets.

Instead of trying to be everything for everyone, go all-in on one niche or one feature. Limitation makes you easy to sum up. Being easy to sum up makes you memorable.

Positioning isn't something you make up on a whim. Behind great positioning is a story. Positioning is the one line summary. The story makes it memorable. Look at Drift. Conversational marketing isn't plucked out the sky. It's the final bullet point in their story.

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