
HK Basics

Problem: Market positioning, creating a brand identity & strategy for quality sportswear competing with the likes of Gymshark, at a lower cost.

Solution: Creating community. We focused brand resources around influencer partnerships and promoting branded product lines through sponsored video & photo shoots. When creating the brand voice, pairing these visuals with motivational written content kept customers engaged in the brand vision and quality of product. This led us to create branded storytelling and promoting REAL customer posts as brand ambassadors.

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The Ambassadors

We found that incentivizing micro-influencers with discounts and offering brand ambassador spotlights on our platforms was a great strategy to growing a low cost and loyal community. By doing this, we killed two birds with one stone. Communicating with the customer audience and involving them in the brand itself was a unique and critical success strategy to the growth and relevancy of this brand.

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The Ecommerce Storefront

Reinforcing the essence of community on the storefront was imperative for sales success. To achieve this we included visual customer reviews within the browsing experience. The web design flow makes it a clean, structured process to viewing purchasing information, qualifying for discount bundles and limited time offers. All tried and tested to increase sales conversions.

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The Socials

Brick by Brick implies a set of values centered around the slow progression of personal growth. We created a charismatic voice that speaks like a friend, balancing product promotions with egging you on to achieve your goals through light messaging and joke content.

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