
HR Millworks

Problem: As the clients invested in a new 20k SQFT facility with a desire to expand their clientele, they needed to develop a brand identity as they scaled from a word of mouth company to a brand for local advertising as a high-end custom millwork company.

Solution: We re-positioned HR Millworks from a small no-name shop into a high-end custom millwork company. We focusing on the quality of the product deriving from the meticulous craftsmanship from the Hutterite heritage. We created a brand that was synonymous with quality and luxury. We created a website that showcased their heritage within a modern website framework.

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The Logo

Our clients asked for a logo that incorporated both woodworking and their Hutterite heritage. We created a logo and banner that incorporated wood grain as the lettering, with a simple statement representing their heritage underneath. The logo was designed to be simple, elegant and visible. Paired with the banner, or on it's own, the logo was designed to be versatile and recognizable.

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The Website

We built a simple website that showcased their heritage, wrapped in a modern web design. The website was designed to be simple, elegant and easy to navigate, focusing around high quality images and the commitment to craftsmanship. We included a case-study gallery of their client projects, a products page with a Strapi CRM allowing them to manage their product listing themselves and an about page for a brief history of the company.

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Tell Us About Your Project

We'll contact you within a couple of hours to schedule a meeting to discuss your goals.

Get On A Call With Us

By the end of this call, you'll have a clear understanding of the different types of services we offer and how we can be applied to your project's success. Find a time on the calendar to schedule your call today and we look forward to speaking to you soon!